The River Pool

The River Pool is a rainbow-colored circular floating pool with a netted bottom securely installed in the Hudson River. It is located off the north shore of Pete and Toshi Seeger Riverfront Park, in Beacon, NY. Swimmers safely sit, float, and play in the River Pool to cool off while an on-duty lifeguard is present. Pool admission is FREE and no reservations are required.

Thank you to our 199 Swimmers, 95 Volunteer Kayak Escorts and all the  Volunteers for a successful 20th Annual Great Newburgh to Beacon Hudson River Swim!

The River Swim

Save the Date: Saturday July 26 (Rain Date: Sunday July 27)
Registration fees and minimum required donation for the 2025 swim
not yet determined.

The Annual Great Newburgh to Beacon Hudson River Swim is scheduled annually. Advance registration is required to swim. Swimmers pay a registration fee of $/adult; $/up to age 17 to cover the cost of the swim , and raise a minimum of $ of sponsorship donations. Contributions are used to maintain and operate The River Pool and further the mission of The River Pool at Beacon.